Thursday, April 5, 2012

Immortals YES Wrath of the Titans NO! (Spoiler content)


Wrath of the Titans

What the movie is all about….

A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus-the demigod son of Zeus-is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Perseus cannot ignore his true calling when Hades, along with Zeus' godly son, Ares (Edgar Ramírez), switch loyalty and make a deal with Kronos to capture Zeus. The Titans' strength grows stronger as Zeus' remaining godly powers are siphoned... -- (C) Warner Bros.

My Review

For me this movie gets 2.5 out of 5 stars

I recently went to the movies and watched Wrath of the Titans and sadly was disappointed.  Everything you see in the trailer for the movie is the highlights of the movie. The scene with Cyclops will make you pause and ask, was that it? 

 I watched both the 1981 and 2010 editions of Clash of the Titans and loved them both! Personally this movie did not hold a candle to those two movies.

The graphics were nothing short of amazing but that is the highlight of the movie. This movie is more for people who have recently read or is a fan of Greek mythology because more talking is present than action. One of the best parts of the movie was when good and evil, the god Zeus and the god of the underworld hades join forces and show their brotherly love for one another.  

The movie did not display a lot of things to brag about Betsy Sherman of Boston Phoenix commented: The artificial world in which the actors move is drab and uninviting, the battles edited with so many quick cuts it's hard to get one's bearings, and the animated monsters are dispatched before we care about them.

I cannot agree with her more. The way they displayed the monsters in the trailers draws viewers in especially Makhai the two headed man (Look at image below). He was off the screen before he did real damage. I think the monster Chimera displayed the most hurt on the village in the movie.


Plot behind this movie....

The brutal and bloodthirsty King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) and his murderous Heraklion army are rampaging across Greece in search of the long lost Bow of Epirus. With the invincible Bow, the king will be able to overthrow the Gods of Olympus and become the undisputed master of his world. With ruthless efficiency, Hyperion and his legions destroy everything in their wake, and it seems nothing will stop the evil king's mission. As village after village is obliterated, a stonemason named Theseus (Henry Cavill) vows to avenge the death of his mother in one of Hyperion's raids. When Theseus meets the Sybelline Oracle, Phaedra (Freida Pinto), her disturbing visions of the young man's future convince her that he is the key to stopping the destruction. With her help, Theseus assembles a small band of followers and embraces his destiny in a final desperate battle for the future of humanity. -- (C) Relativity Media

My Review

This movie gets 4.5 out of 5

(The reason for the 4.5 is I did not like what happened to the gods in the movie. Watch and you will see what I am talking about.)

I watched this on blue ray rather than in theatres, but I honestly wished I would have spent 7.25 per ticket on this movie rather than the wrath of the titans.  This movie had a feel of the movie 300, a feel that gives the audience a sense of ancient times. Several people believe the type of graphic movies like this one and 300 have are like comic book come to life boring graphics, but if one is looking for action and adventure this is the type of movie to watch. Comic books are full of action and unremarkable storytelling and this is what this movie is about. The graphics and the lighting were perfect!  When one of the actors was doing a scene at night, the director only gave the scene the amount of light that a person who was actually there would get. It can be slightly frustrating on the eyes at first but after one’s eyes adjust then a new appreciation for the scene develops from the viewer.

The gods

I love the take the director, and writer took towards the look of the gods. They are not old and ancient looking but young. Unlike Wrath of the Titans who know these are gods because of their amazing speed, unique abilities, and their gold attire, among other things. All I can say is great way to let the audience know who the elite were.  Oh yeah bonus for you ladies Kellan Lutz whom some of you may know as Emmett from Twilight plays Poseidon the god of the sea, and earthquakes. Ladies he does not disappoint.

            What both movies lacked was the strength of the gods.  Anyone who knows anything about Greek mythology knows that the gods were not as dispensable as both movies portrayed. Do not get me wrong the Immortals displayed the gods in a greater light than Wrath of the Titans did.

The Fighting

If you have seen the movie 300 you will recall how the fight scenes in the movie are slowed down for better viewing and not to mention so one can see the detail of the how the fighters are being slaughtered, you get that in this movie! Needless to say the fight scenes are awesome! Beware there are some scenes that women may turn their heads to if they are sensitive.

Final Thoughts

Immortals is a great movie, far better than I expected. I say go to your redbox, put it on queue on your Netflix and get ready for a great movie. I offer advice of waiting until Wrath of the Titans comes out on dvd and renting it on red box spending only $1.30 on the movie, because you will be disappointed if your wanting a high action film with great fight scenes, and sense money is hard to come by now a days don’t waste it on Wrath of the Titans. If you just have to watch it then go to the matinée showing and pay the cheapest amount.  

Well let me know what you think; in any of the several ways of contacting me. Until my fingers touch the keyboard again remember…



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Poem Title: Let the Truth Be Told (DTB)

Title: Let the Truth Be Told
It was quicker than a blink of an eye,
It was at the same time as needed as a breath of fresh air, do you remember it?
How can you forget it? You were patient, you were kind.
You held me so delicately you were mine.
NO! NO! Please don’t turn away, I have just a little more to say.
I’ve held this anger inside.
I need you to hear it, for my sanity, for the continuous of my life.
Now! Now that I have your attention just listen.
You use to look at me with an admiring glare; your stare would keep my heart pumping.
The thought of you would make me so proud.
Smiles from ear to ear would make my day, but then you just turned away!
I was once something exciting.
You gave me thoughts of what could be and how much faith you had in me.
I was a princess to you. Now you doubt me, yell at me force me to shut down in public.
You ruin me!
Nothing I do is ever good enough for you. You watch me rot, cut a hole deep in my soul
 Telling me I am not good enough. Trying to make me forget tat I am one of thee Almighty’s own.
Why do you compare me to what’s on TV? Why do you need to compare, you have me!
Eyes full of tears you try again to turn away from your reflection,
Because the person I am speaking to is my own reflection.
For it is I who use to love me, but now I abuse me, letting myself live up to inexistent standards.
To love myself has truly been a test, but now it’s time to turn this around.
As I look in the mirror on this raining night I take a deep breath…start real slow and whisper…
“I am beau-ti-ful. I am unique. I am special because GOD created me.
Let my truth be told to me.

                I wrote this thinking about all of the people who are killing themselves because they are being bullied. This is about a girl looking at herself in the mirror and basically reflecting on how although it was for a short period in her life she misses when she appreciated herself and cared about herself. She is angry about how she treats her self and continiously asks why she does it. The crazy thing is that people who bully others do not take the time to think about how that person goes home and feels so negative about themselves to the point that they do not want to live anymore. At the end of my poem this girl is trying to take a turn for the better but people who are killing themselves everyday because of self-esteem issues and with bullying going on it pushes people over the edge.  . I just wish bullies would realize life is hard enough without outside pressure from bullies to make one feel less about themselves.

I remember when I was in one of my undergraduate classes and I can remember exactly where I was sitting and the professor had us write down three things that we would like within ourselves and almost every girl in the room stated that she wanted confidence. I am sure that men feel the same way. I just wish bullies would realize life is hard enough without outside pressure from bullies to make one feel less about themselves.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

DTB Each day I will post a black historian in celebration of black history month DTB

DTB DTB each day I have posted and will continue to post for the rest of the month an individual black person's in history bio for black history month on facebook. The inventor of the stop light, one of the queens of England, the first successful open heart surgery, among other great history belong to African Americans. Check out my link to the album DTB DTB

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Clean Spotless Toilet, Here is the product for it....

Clean Spotless Toilet, Here is the product for it....

 I know my brother in law is probably going to rip me a new one for talking about this but I promised I would blog about products that are cheap but work well. The first was the Clean and Clear facial Product now I am going to blog about something that will not only clean your toilet but will also leave it looking sparkly and brand new....

Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner Complete clean with Bleach

This stuff is amazing and it is only $1.00 at your local Dollar Tree Store!(While supplies last of course) I have always used the old ways of cleaning the actual bowl and not the seat of the toilet (I use other products for the actual seat and the rest of my toilets) but to clean the bowl I would use either bleach, comet, Ajax, or sometimes a mixture of all three (DO NOT DO THAT...I risked getting chemical burns each time I mixed them, very dangerous) This product is basically a safe mixture of all of them but in a safe way. It not only bleaches away stains but it also cleans them and leaves your restroom smelling good...hey try it! When using it remember once you apply it to the inside of the bowl you need to let it set for about five minutes to it can really clean everything out. Depending on how bad your toilet stains are you may want to leave it on their longer the amount or the darkness of the stains are your personal So yeah Check it out!

Until my fingers meet the keys again GOD BLESS YOU IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME and remember people are going to be people!


POW! BAM! Exploding Rockets! or Flat Lining; Parent to Child & Child to Parent Relationships

Basically, the only thing we need is a hand that rests on our own, that wishes it well, and that sometimes guides us.  ~Hector Bianciotti, Sans La Misericorde du Christ

Parent child relationships are a very touchy subject. Some people may have never met their parents or had the chance to see their children grow up. I don’t know everyone’s personal story but what I do know is that they are all unique in their own way. GOD BLESSED me with in my opinion the two greatest parents in the world whom have always had my best interest at heart so yesterday when I had the privilege of driving my parents to Oakland I was reminded how great my parents are not because of their finances, not because they are the smartest or the most cleaver parents in the world but because they love me unconditionally. I have witnessed their struggles throughout my lifetime and their great expression and dedication to show love with every breath they take and it brings tears to my eyes because I can’t thank GOD enough for giving me the BLESSING to experience love to this magnitude.

I have not had the pleasure of being a parent but I have been a child my whole life and there is truly no way that I can ever repay my parents for everything that they have done for me but I do know that I can show them love. The whole point of this blog is to remind everyone that the people in your life who may be similar to a parent or even a child to you….love them and cherish them. GOD gives and takes away the gifts he gives us since we are just borrowing the love ones that are in our lives. Know that the gifts of people in your life can be here today and gone later that same day, so SHOW LOVE! One can show love to anyone rather it be the neighbor that has trouble taking his/her trash to the front of their house or the person in your classroom or at your job who walks in with a sad look on his/her face show them love!  Since I do not have children…I need to try my best to always show love to my husband and the people who are around and maybe they will get just a small taste of what GOD BLESSED me to get from the people around me, especially my parents.

What made me want to write this blog other than spending time with my parents yesterday is I have noticed several families do not share a bond with each other that was valued as such an important thing not to long ago. That is why the title of this blog is POW, Bam, (exploding rockets!) or ___ (flat lining); Parent to Child & Child to parent relationships because I have noticed either families are really close or they do care to make the effort to show love to one another which is heartbreaking. I encourage everyone to show love to your family and whatever situation you have with your parents or children or whoever has a big impact on you in your life, LOVE THEM!!!!! Cherish them and never take them for granted. This is a beloved quote of mine…

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~Stephen Levine

This is a great quote to live by. Why are you waiting to make the contact that can change your life for the good? Why wait to let GOD into your life to illustrate love in your life? GOD will work in many ways to show you the love that you may have never thought was there.

I propose a challenge for everyone… the upcoming holiday is Valentine’s day (if you want to call it a holiday) I challenge everyone who reads this blog to show love for someone other than just their spouse, spend some time with your children telling him how much you love them. Go read a story to your grandfather and/or grandmother, call your parents. Show love not just on that day but every day, but take Valentine’s Day as a start or why wait start today and let me know what you did and how it went.


Until my finger touch the keys again remember people are going to be people


Monday, January 23, 2012

Views on Movie: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (Dont read if you havent seen the movie!) DTB


"Slow, joyless, and loaded with unintentionally humorous moments, Breaking Dawn Part 1 may satisfy the Twilight faithful, but it's strictly for fans of the franchise.-Rotten Tomatoes

Movie Info
In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson), plus those they love, must deal with the chain of consequences brought on by a marriage, honeymoon, and the tumultuous birth of a child...which brings an unforeseen and shocking development for Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). -- (C) Summit Entertainment

This is is a blog for viewers who have seen the movie and/or read the books

First off the bat I am going to say I am not a big fan of this book or movie, not because of me being on team Jacob call me one sided thinker but honestly Bella's Character is not one of charm to me, because she toys with both her now husband....Edward Cullen's Heart and her "best" friend Jake's heart, which makes me sort of sick. She toy's with Jacobs heart by using him to make herself feel better while Edward left her and as soon as he comes back throws him away like he was yesterdays trash (This occurred in New Moon). Then after being proposed to two the nights before from Edward she kisses Jacob with Edward only a few feet away. So when she became married in this film I had to force myself to continue reading this book, because my heart reached out to Jake, and when he imprinted on Reneseme oh my goodness it was the end for me but the whole love triangle is not illustrated in this film. I just need to create blogs for each movie and book which if GOD is willing I will do in the future but now I need to focus on... Breaking Dawn Part 1 (The Movie

I sat down and watched the movie and I took in account what I liked and disliked and made notes of it. I would love to hear your responses to them so feel free to contact me in whichever form of contact you prefer, but here are my likes, dislikes, and some thoughts through about the movie.... 

-The movie opens with Bella Trying on her wedding shoes, I have to admit I love!!!!! Bella's shoes they seemed like a perfect pick for what Alice with her expensive taste would choose, but it being Bella she  decided not to wear them.  Here they are....

-There has always been an unique look to the Cullen's and the way they were described the books Rosalie was suppose to be the drop dead gorgeous person but I have to say the best looking person in this movie in my opinion is Alice. I thinks he is has amazing beauty. Even better than Rosalie not because the actress who plays Rosalie isn’t pretty (because she is) its just the way they do her make up ad hair just doesn’t bring out the beauty they described in the book.

-I feel this movie had to do a lot of catching up for the previous movies that failed to explain a lot of stuff that was in the previous books. For example the bond of Edwards, Jasper, and Emmet was touched very lightly in the previous movies. I enjoyed the whole bachelor party scene, it showed the brothers are close, which was a need for the viewers who just watch the movies and skip the books.

Here is the big one for me....Her Dress!!!!! The dress was described in the book to be so magnificent and just jaw dropping beautiful and then they showed that foil looking thing she had on. I believe the dress was more described better in the below picture.

The dress she wore in her dream she had during the movie was WAY BETTER than the one she wore to her actual wedding, but that is just my opinion. Don't get me wrong the dress had some great detail, I just wish they would have went more with to me what the book described.

Here are pictures of her actual dress...
The Back of the Dress

Here is the Front of the Dress...

Here she is in her dress with Edward.....

-I really enjoy the way Robert Pattinson aka Edward looks so refined in THIS movie, his hair cut is perfect not that who busy look they had going on in the other movies...  

Edwards new hair cut for Breaking Dawn
Edwards bushy hair in Twilight

-The wedding speeches were crazy! loved Emmets, hated Jessica’s because it made her look like she was to jealous to move on from her high school crush that she really had on!
- A plus on the way Hollywood illustrated the scene between Jacob and Bella when he came to see her and when they danced at her wedding. In the book Stephanie made him look like one sort of crazy person like he was going to hurt Bella. In the movie it appears to the viewers just that he loves her and wants the best for her which I repeat is way better than how it is in the book. I do wish they would have brought out a wig to make Jacob look more rugget as it would have shown he was running in wolf form for a long time like in the book, plus I luv the realization of Sam saying it wasn’t their concern anymore if Bella dies. It really shows how they were basically doing everything for Jacob and now that her and Edward are married they just don’t have to be concerned about it anymore.

 -Jacob howling in the back ground when Edward and Bella were driving off was a real heart breaker. I have to say this was played well or I should say illustrated it well.
- When they stopped in Brazil I have to say it was beautiful to say the least.  I don't remember it being in the book,I havee to refresh on the book again. But I remember they hardly talked the whole way there.
-Their honeymoon house is amazing. Who wouldn't love to just be free and open with their new spouse with open window...Stephanie Meyer chose a great setting for their honeymoon. I forgot who was the designer of making the set look similar to the book but he or she did an amazing job.
-The human moment is Bella took to freshen up before they sealed the marriage was priceless. I think any woman including myself would have gotten out the razor and stuff just as she did. Although maybe jumping in the shower after such a long day would have been an even better idea... I guess that must be signified within her being in a towel, but if she didn’t take a shower that would not only be nasty but I would feel sorry for Edward…
-So after her human moment just like in the book she went out to meet him in the ocean which is what I thought was beautiful.

-While they were having sex it looked like two humans having sex. The pale white skin tone didn’t show on Edwards body. More makeup should have been applied there so viewers could remember that Bella was having sex with a vampire.
-The broken bed was one of the things that I am so happy about them not taking out of the movie, it was priceless.
-So after Bella is feeling great because she finally had sex with Edward he ruins it, just like a man would(Before I go on I just have to mention after a woman's first time...she usually is not in lets say the same mood as Bella and in some cases it takes more than one time for a woman to feel the joy of sex (just putting that out there, but back to what I was saying....) It is just like a man to ruin a woman's perfect moment when she feels good after sex. I understand that Edward did not want to hurt her or for her to be bruised but he didn’t take into consideration that moment was something great for Bella and I have heard from different women about many men doing things like that, not thinking about how great something is for a women because of his insecurities. Many may disagree with me on this but Edward made me upset in the book and on the movie when he seemed like he was depressed after they had sex. Did he know what sort of insecurities that Bella could have gotten from 
- Edward did make it all better when Bella confronted him about it and  said it was the best night of his existence! 

-Did anyone catch the play on the chess game pieces, just like the cover of the book I really enjoyed how Hollywood threw that in there.
-When Bella put on the black lingerie for Edward and he just laughed I was very upset at that! That is not what happened in the book. In the book He ripped it off of her and said later that he really liked  what she had on and he sort of regretted ripping it to shreds. I was looking forward to it in the movie, but that ship sailed…lol
-I was sadden that she had to dream about having sex with her husband while they were on their honeymoon, but it proved not everything is set to be movie perfect while on ones honeymoon. 

-Hearing Jacob still think so hard about Bella was devastating I just wanted him to be over her so bad during the time I was reading the book and those thoughts transferred while I was watching the movie as well. 

-The movie lacked sex scenes for Edward and Bella in the book they had sex way more than two times and for a three book and movie wait I am sure the viewers, and readers would have liked more sex scenes between the two.

-I think Leah looks awesome in this movie, her bone structure is very eye catching I think the director captured more of her Native features in this movie.  
-It was freaking gross watching her eat that chicken she cooked! She didn’t even cook thoroughly not to mention when she threw up she put her hand, hair and head in the toilet I don’t care if she was the only one to have used the toilet because Edward doesn’t go potty that is just freaking nasty.

-They did a great job when they had showed Edward in shock when he realized that he got Bella pregnant. I still don't get how that happened. Edward does not have blood running through his body because he his not human so how can he produce sperm to have a baby???? Idk  
- If I didn’t read the book I would not have known why Rosalie was called for help by Bella, which I will not go into detail about but yeah more detail should have been described there.  I don’t think this or the previous movie explained how Roseaile was going to protect that baby because she badly wanted one.
-An awesome job was done on Bella's makeup to make her look sick...she looked zombie like and made me believe that she was really sick.
-I love how Stephanie Meyer actually gave Rosalie more of a role in this book/movie.

-When Bella stood up and Jacob saw her belly he looked at Edward and said. "You did this!"… lol its like duh He is her wife! That moment was priceless!

-Each Cullen has had their turn to shine within in the movies so far and I have to be honest the only one who has yet to steal some actual screen time is Emmet but I am thinking that he will have more of a part within the movie when the second one comes out because he challenges Bella as she will be a newborn.

-I loved the irony when Edward asked Jacob to kill him if Bella were to die and Jacob finally having that open window said that he wouldn't kill him because he would have to deal with what he did to Bella and that the thing that killed her was a baby was Edwards.

-I loved when the Wolfs were talking. They were talking internally it was scary but tight and amazing at the same time. II have no complaints about it! I loved how their voices were jumbled up it gave incite to the viewers and readers on how it sounds when they all read each others thoughts.
-When Jacob turned against his pack he ordered Leah and Seth to shut up and they did at once! Immediate obedience came from the two of them. That just shows how much respect and honor is within that tribe.
-I very much enjoyed when Sam was trying to talk down Jacob into obeying him and then Jacob made him back down was amazing.

-I just felt so sorry for Leah when I hear her story about her love triangle. I just want the next movie book or series or whatever to give Leah some sort of break where Jacob is not with Renesme but with Leah I don't think its fair that Bella got her happy ending in her love triangle but Leah is suffering.
-The book describes that leah and Jacob when they were in watching the house they were mostly in wolf form and how leah hated to eat raw meat. I know having them eat raw meat as wolfs may be out of there for some viewers but I think it would have been a good jester to remind the audience that  wolfs and vampires are not just love story fun beings but are scary figures.
-When leah said that her not being a wanted isn’t uncommon for her was beyond heartbreaking.

-Thumbs up again to Stephanie Meyer for putting the blood in a cup that was amazing thinking! It may seem simple to others but I think it was brilliant! 

-Bella just constantly hurts everyone around her. I feel so bad for her dad because in this movie she tells him that she is sick and that she is going to a medical center in Switzerland, and what bothers me is in every movie I mean every single one she broke her Fathers heart and that sucks for him.
-That is a terrible name if it was a boy Edward Jacob… hurt to them! They would have always been stuck together forever in this child, as if they are not already tired of this whole love triangle thing.
- I cant believe that Rosalie was about to kill bella for the baby but hey she wanted a baby and of course Bella makes great choices in who and what she puts her confidence into.
-In the book Bella is lyig on the bed naked about to die and panicking and Edward tells him that if he cant take it then to leave and Jacob leaves plus there are some other details too I have to say again bravo to the director because he didnt make Jacob seem like some wimp as sometimes he is described in the books like Edward is stronger but I guess being born in 1901 has some benefits of emotional strength. 

 -Everyone including my heart broke when Edward was saying come on to Bella when he was trying to revive her

-When Jacob imprinted on the reneseme I though it was just as bad as in the book but I am not going to even touch on how wrong things are with that whole thing. I get he would be anything she needs but I also think that it is too much if you ask me.

There are other things about the movie that I liked such as Bella's flashbacks as she is transforming, The werewolfs being stronger than the vampires, reneseme being very stunning (I just hope Hollywood actually shows her and Jacob together as adults or teenagers and not stop where the book stops. I cant wait to see the next one.

Until my fingers meet the keyboard again GOD BLESS YOU IN JESUS NAME AS APART OF GODS WILL! and remember people will be people.