Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Poem Title: Let the Truth Be Told (DTB)

Title: Let the Truth Be Told
It was quicker than a blink of an eye,
It was at the same time as needed as a breath of fresh air, do you remember it?
How can you forget it? You were patient, you were kind.
You held me so delicately you were mine.
NO! NO! Please don’t turn away, I have just a little more to say.
I’ve held this anger inside.
I need you to hear it, for my sanity, for the continuous of my life.
Now! Now that I have your attention just listen.
You use to look at me with an admiring glare; your stare would keep my heart pumping.
The thought of you would make me so proud.
Smiles from ear to ear would make my day, but then you just turned away!
I was once something exciting.
You gave me thoughts of what could be and how much faith you had in me.
I was a princess to you. Now you doubt me, yell at me force me to shut down in public.
You ruin me!
Nothing I do is ever good enough for you. You watch me rot, cut a hole deep in my soul
 Telling me I am not good enough. Trying to make me forget tat I am one of thee Almighty’s own.
Why do you compare me to what’s on TV? Why do you need to compare, you have me!
Eyes full of tears you try again to turn away from your reflection,
Because the person I am speaking to is my own reflection.
For it is I who use to love me, but now I abuse me, letting myself live up to inexistent standards.
To love myself has truly been a test, but now it’s time to turn this around.
As I look in the mirror on this raining night I take a deep breath…start real slow and whisper…
“I am beau-ti-ful. I am unique. I am special because GOD created me.
Let my truth be told to me.

                I wrote this thinking about all of the people who are killing themselves because they are being bullied. This is about a girl looking at herself in the mirror and basically reflecting on how although it was for a short period in her life she misses when she appreciated herself and cared about herself. She is angry about how she treats her self and continiously asks why she does it. The crazy thing is that people who bully others do not take the time to think about how that person goes home and feels so negative about themselves to the point that they do not want to live anymore. At the end of my poem this girl is trying to take a turn for the better but people who are killing themselves everyday because of self-esteem issues and with bullying going on it pushes people over the edge.  . I just wish bullies would realize life is hard enough without outside pressure from bullies to make one feel less about themselves.

I remember when I was in one of my undergraduate classes and I can remember exactly where I was sitting and the professor had us write down three things that we would like within ourselves and almost every girl in the room stated that she wanted confidence. I am sure that men feel the same way. I just wish bullies would realize life is hard enough without outside pressure from bullies to make one feel less about themselves.


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