Saturday, December 31, 2011

Watch the Movie: Water For Elephants (5 out of 5 for me)


DTB before the movie...
"I never watch movies that I don't know anything about, but I will watch it with you because I am Ur husband" -My Hubby

DTB after the movie...
"That was a pretty good movie, I guess I shouldn't judge a book and in this case a movie by its cover" -My Hubby

Robert Pattinson may be known for his role as the famous swave Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga, but recently he starred in some awesome movies such as Remember Me and also the topic of this blog.  Water for Elephants

I am not sure why it is they decided to call the movie Water for Elephants because it  really only relates to two scenes in the movie that are not very important to the movie. Don't be fooled by the title of the movie watch it.

Robert is acting along side of Reese Witherspoon who looks great! She is still rocking her amazing body at the age of 35, not to mention she had at least more than one child.

The other amazing actor is Christoph Waltz is also playing a big role in the movie despite him not being on the cover.  You may have seen him in The Green Hornet  as the main villain and/or one of my fav movies Inglorious bastards, which he also plays the Villain. This awesome actor in my humble opinion deserves so many awards for the three movies (including this one) he starred in. He played the villain in each movie but he does it so well that you make an attachment to his evil character, where he keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats on what he is going to do next, yet he makes a connection where one just wants him to change and be good because the viewer notices his potential. Ok I am going to shut up and not give any more clues to the movie by revealing more about his character, but this character is amazing in this movie.

I am not going to give movie details but the writer and director grabs the viewer's attention within the first 15 minutes of the movie that creates an emotional attachment for the viewer to the know what I shall say no more to please watch this movie!

hit me up either on Facebook, Twitter, Here, Google+ with your responses to the movie please.


Until my fingers meet the keys again remember People are going to be People!





Tuesday, December 20, 2011

DTB Insecurity DTB

DTB (For this Blog I thought I would post two quotes instead of one...I feel both should be read....)

Any fool knows that bravado is always a cover-up for insecurity. That's the truth. And on that note, I'll say goodnight. God love you. -Bobby Darin
Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness. -Naomi Campbell

DTB insecurity DTB

        Insecurity can be a dangerous thing. Especially for women, because women feel the need to be a certain way due to the media among other things expressing that a woman with bleached blonde hair, big boobs, blue eyes, and who weighs about 90 pounds is what every woman should look like. Insecurity does not just limit itself to women though. Insecurity can be towards anything but i don't have to go into detail about it because everyone feels insecure about something or has in the past.

       What bothers me about insecurities is when one will take their insecurities and belittle others just to try and make themselves feel better and it is totally wrong. Just recently I went on an amazing trip with a few friends and my husband and we had an outstanding time...apart from one thing. The female that was on the trip constantly was bragging on a certain body part of hers and comparing it to mine in a rude way. I am not one to take abuse from others but I had to realize that sometimes peoples insecurities can over power them to do things they don't realize they are doing. For example I was reading a question about a girl on yahoo who was having problems with a friend comparing her boob size to hers and the girl was lost in just trying to befriend this person but she was constantly being put down. One of the responders answered in an extraordinary way to the girls problem by stating,

"She's telling you negative things, because she wants to knock you off your pedestal (the one she's put you on, not that you've put yourself on one)."

I thought that comment was very true and interesting. she stated it perfectly!  (If you would like to read more on this question please visit, ( One is attacking another in this type of situation it is because they see you as something special in their mind and they are trying to convince themselves that they are better. Its crazy because I can speak from experience.

I felt as if I was the one with the problem while being attacked like I was doing something to make this person over our vacation feel insecure or if my body was really as she was stating it was, (which it is not), it was horrible, but I can understand where she was coming from. When I was a kid I was a very happy child because I had the best parents in the world and the greatest friends along with my loving sibling, but we did not have much money therefore I sometimes lied to try and make myself feel better because I put certain kids on a pedestal of them having riches which now as an adult I can say most of their parents were in the same boat as my family was financially but they just displayed it in a different way. Although I could level with this person about the reason why she was treating me the way that she was it was still hard for me to sit back and not say anything, but I had to remember she is the person who needs me as a friend more than I need to ridicule her for her actions. People like the person who I vacationed with are extremely competitive and haven't learned to be OK with they person that they are without having to prove to everyone by winning everything that they are superior, which is why I didn't retaliate on anything she said to me. Sometimes we have to remember that the person who always needs to be in control, who is always putting one down at the sake to build themselves up has a deeper issue and that is why I love the quote by Naomi Campbell stating that... "Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness."  I wouldn't go with her quote as just being anger but more of anger towards oneself and I would also use the word insecurity within that quote as well. I believe she gives a needed shone light on situations that alot of people hold inside.

I am not going to write this blog and pretend like I have cured all of my insecurities because I have not, I still struggle with them. The only way I have learned to cope with them better is because of my relationship with GOD. Through HIM I know that he loves me for who I am and that he made me so I am perfect in his eyes, and that is all that matters. I have to remind myself often of that because I get my insecure moments as well. I recommend everyone to develop a relationship with GOD to fill your heart to know that you are perfect!

In Closing...When one feels bad or that they do not measure up to something in life and they take their insecurities out on you, lets all step back and think of the bigger picture and try to understand where they are coming from and not let it ruin your friendship, but at the same time do not let someone ridicule u and hurt you because GOD created you therefore you are perfect.

On a side note if you ever are feeling insecure there are several songs out there to listen to Perfect by Pink if you don't want to listen to the song here are the Lyrics...
Made a wrong turn once or twice. Dug my way out, blood and fire. Bad decisions, that's alright.
Welcome to my silly life. Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood!
Miss "No way,It's all good", it didn't slow me down
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated! Look, I'm still around...
Pretty pretty please! Don't you ever ever feel Like you're less than,
 less than perfect Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel like you're nothing you are perfect to me.
You're so mean (Your so mean) When you talk (When you talk) about yourself, you were wrong Change the voices (Change the voices) in your head(In the head) Make them like you instead So complicated, look how happy you'll make it! Filled with so much hatred... such a tired game It's enough! I've done all I can think of Chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same. 
Oh, pretty pretty please Don't you ever ever feel Like you're less than, less than perfect Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel like you're nothing you are perfect to me
The whole world's scared so I swallow the fear The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer So cool in line, and we try try try, But we try too hard and it's a waste of my time Done looking for the critics, cause they're everywhere They dont like my jeans, they don't get my hair Exchange ourselves, and we do it all the time Why do we do that? Why do I do that?
Why do I do that?
Yeah, oh, oh baby, pretty please! Pretty pretty please, Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than, less than perfect Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel like you're nothing you are perfect to me Yeaaahhh...! You are perfect, you're perfect! Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing You are perfect to me.

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DTB well until fingers meet the keyboard again...remember People are going to be people!" DTB

DTB a friend and my response to "Friend" Blog DTB

Comments from my friend on Facebook regarding blog "Friend"...
lil foot i did enjoy ur blog n i know who ur talking about hahahaha but i agree with wat u said. ur bf is an amazing person but so r u dats y u two r such a pair blood cldnt bring u two closer together. it makes me very happy to know u hav so many ppl to help giv ur spirits a boost, everybody needs them sumtimes. i do appreciate all of u the land before time ppl lol. thinkin bak i do hav to say all da good memories still make me smile wenever i need them...*cough coach carter cough* but i luv u n ur bf n many other of da peeps lol so stay strong cuz i know if anybody can its u n dats sumthing i always was sure of n knew in my heart!!

My Response....

DTB ducky!!!!!!! Hey sweetie to be honest I miss u all soooo freakin much! When I was able to kick it with my bf recently it made me think of u all we even talked about our lil ducky is having a lil ducky which is still shocking to us. U have always been one of the people who has encouraged me and who has been there for me. There are times I wished I could have been a better friend to u for all of the great things u did for me ducky Lol yep u were there when my admiration for channing tatium first started! Crazy how much joy a person can bring to someone and u have brought a ton of joy to me in my life and I thank u and I thank u for all of ur kind words! And just for I being u! Ur a BLESSING to me IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME and I thank u soo much! I luv u oh yah if u see mom plz tell her I still love my blanket she made me in dallas colors. Its in my living room and I use it when it gets cold while I am watching tv. Again I luv u and thank u for the memories the love and just for u being u. GOD BLESS IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME DTB

Her Reponse....

 lil foot no need for thanx n u know dat u nvr had to thank me for anything. friendship is a gift from one person to another n uve been a great friend to me even tho we wld take lng times between chats i always knew i was luved by u n always had sumone i cld turn too no matter how lng between chats. thank u for everything n u know im here if u need me....n as for lil ducky lol hes doin fine jst 6 more weeks to go b4 he makes his grand entrance!! we love u n miss u lil foot!!

My Response....

DTB see ducky you as well are a true BLESSING of what a friend should be and I love you so very much I know you said I dont need to say thanks but I have to because honestly it is rare to find a friend as yourself. You are a true BLESSING to me and the world and I mean EVERY SINGLE WORD OF IT! GOD BLESS YA IN JESUS NAME AS APART OF GODS WILL IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME DTB

Thursday, December 15, 2011

DTB Friend DTB

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. -Elbert Hubbard
There are many gifts that GOD gives to the world and I have to say that friends are one of them. When starting this new blog I decided I would not use personal names therefore I wont but I am sure the people who read this will know who I am talking about.
Just recently this week I had a visit from my best friend and words cannot describe how fulfilled I felt when my bf (bf=best friend) told me she would stop by. Like a kid I was jumping for joy not exactly knowing why at the time but I later figured out what it was. 
Having what is a true friend will be someone who feels comfortable around you and you around them enough for you to be you. Lately I have found myself in environments which friendships attempt to be developed on unstable grounds such as; one having to prove who they are and show what they have, or where the friendships are one-sided where one is giving for the sake of trying to make the friendship work and the other is taking endlessly. It is as the quote above states, A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. Elbert Hubbard Mr. Hubbard could not have said it better. After just a few hours of my bf being around I began to cherish her even more. When she arrived she did something that is hard for people now-a-days to do, she listened! She listened to me without interrupting or feeling she knew more than me or that what she had to say was more important than the issue I was explaining to her, she listen. Then she began to encourage me. Can you believe that? Someone actually encouraging someone else to do good in life and not just looking out for herself! Wow! After seeing her and spending time with her I just felt completely re-energized! I felt like I could take on the world all over again, and at the same time I felt like crying because traits such as; love, listening, encouragement, and fun should be as easy as breathing with friends, but that is rare in these present times. Having friends like her just reminds me of something very special that I learned as a child...What a friend we have in JESUS!!!! One of the people whom I follow on twitter stated, "GOD loves us not for who we are but as we are"- Rick WarrenQT He is 100% right! We are suppose to be examples of CHRIST and show HIS love through what we do in our daily lives and I can say my bf definitely portrays an example of what a good friend should be. To whom I write this about I want to say thank you and I love you, may GOD BLESS continue to BLESS you for you are a BLESSING TO ME IN JESUS NAME DTB

******************************Don't Get Me Wrong!!!!!!!**************************

I have amazing friends  from all the walks of my life that are great, not just my best friend. Friends who have been by my side throughout my life. I have had friends that have helped me through several of my up and down days and who I can just have crazy fun with! I love the people GOD HAS BLESSED me to have in my life. I know I have one friend who loved to read my blogs about four years ago and still enjoys them and that is encouragement and love that several people wish they had in a friend. My husband and I just recently tied the knot this year and we witnessed so many people close to our hearts who drove from all over to see us and we appreciate them as a BLESSING as well.
What made me write this blog is I have been around negativity and immaturity lately so much that I have became negative and just down in the dumps and seeing my bf made me remember that I am BLESSED and to always remember that GODS BLESSINGS are always around especially since we have a friend in JESUS who will never leave us nor forsake us!

Until my fingers meet the keyboard again thanks for reading and remember People are going to be People.




Friday, December 9, 2011


"Things that matter most must never be at mercy of things that matter least"-goethe

The above quote actually aligns with my topic of the day which is...


Is it just me or is it hard to be around someone who constantly brags on themselves? Rather it is what they have, what they have done, what they are good at, etc. I have to admit that sometimes it is just hard, to surround myself around "Braggers" especially if they are bragging about something I know has been accomplished at a more advance level than the person who is bragging, but for the sake of courtesy I will try to be fair and listen while they brag.

My husband mentioned a good point to me, he stated " co-worker could not have said it better. individuals who had a good upbringing in which their parents taught them how to be humble and courteous, they suffer later in life having to deal with people whose parents didn't spend time with their children to explain the importance of certain character traits such as humility" Don't get me wrong there are different situations where one may not have been around their parents for unique reasons and I respect that, but some people skills are and can be developed as one matures into adulthood and being humble is one of those skills.

I had a hard time for a while just dealing with someone who seriously just rang my ears with competitive remarks all the time. I just don't understand how can two people be friends while one is in competition mode all the time. It got so bad that if I were to say hello this person would reply by saying something along the lines of "well salutations is a better word to use and I don't speak in a way of merely saying hello its just beneath me...."OK maybe I stretched it a bit but seriously it gets old to hear people brag all the time. This person and their bragging weighed so heavy on my me that I would wake up with them on my mind and think about what I could do to try and make this friendship work between this person and I. It bothered me so much that I decided to google on how to deal with people who brag on themselves constantly. Thank GOD I was not the only one with this problem. My search came up with a person asking..."How do you deal with people that brag about everything, money, life, house, savings accounts?" by yahoo user silverpatty. She had a situation where someone close to her was bragging on themselves endlessly and she had a lot of good and funny advise from fellow yahoo users. One of my favs Nat another yahoo user. She commented, "You know what I do? I do a "Homer" from the Simpson's, and start thinking about donuts while they are talking, just adding in the "oh yeah" and "that sounds nice" when they seem to be taking a breath. BUT when they start talking about something more meaningful I give them my full attention...They get the point eventually, realise that you only listen to them when they aren't bragging....if not..I ditch them...don't need them in my life anyway! You are successful in your own life, so don't worry about hers! She doesn't pay your bills!" (To read more check out the link

Her comment made me giggle but knowing following her advise would be rude to my friends I began thinking of another solution. Since my adolescence I was taught that actions speak louder than words. Someone can brag, scream, yell, etc and give themselves a false sense of entitlement but actions are what really shuts people up. So that is what I shall do, be an example and try to complement this individual more as a person and maybe less bragging will come from them. I don't think of myself as a bragger but I am not on the outside looking in. Maybe something about me or my lifestyle makes this person believe that bragging is needed while being around me. There is always room for improvement in each of us, so I am going to take the approach of trying to be an example of show and that I am not into this persons for their accomplishments or material belongings but I just appreciate this person for them. The case could also be as my father told me, "this possibly can be the time in this particular person's life that they are proud of and sometimes they need for someone to just be the ear to listen." We shall see....either way....

I started PRAYING and will continue to PRAY about the situation and not let it consume me. Which is why when I read the quote,"Things that matter most must never be at mercy of things that matter least"-goethe and what matters most is I know who I am and I know GOD has BLESSED me with what I have and I need to not be in completion with this particular person although it can be tempting just to shut this person up, its not worth it. Its not even worth battling it in my head. 

Possibly I can also illustrate to them that not even the majority of Hollywood stars brag on themselves and they have bragging rights, ex, Justin Timberlake (one of my fave artist) does not nor needs to brag daily to the world that he is a triple threat, that he is known to be one of the most attractive men in the world, that he has his own clothing line out, etc? He lets his actions speak for him.  

Joyce Meyer tweeted today, "Some people are hurting so bad you have to do more than preach a message to them. You have to BE a message to them."

So I will try this whole thing at the example angle. Either way....People will be People so until my finger meet my keyboard again see ya GOD BLESS THEE!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

So it begins...

As one of my favorite professors told me..."If you have the chance to express yourself, do not let it pass you by SPEAK UP!" So that is what I am going to do.

So it begins....