Thursday, December 15, 2011

DTB Friend DTB

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. -Elbert Hubbard
There are many gifts that GOD gives to the world and I have to say that friends are one of them. When starting this new blog I decided I would not use personal names therefore I wont but I am sure the people who read this will know who I am talking about.
Just recently this week I had a visit from my best friend and words cannot describe how fulfilled I felt when my bf (bf=best friend) told me she would stop by. Like a kid I was jumping for joy not exactly knowing why at the time but I later figured out what it was. 
Having what is a true friend will be someone who feels comfortable around you and you around them enough for you to be you. Lately I have found myself in environments which friendships attempt to be developed on unstable grounds such as; one having to prove who they are and show what they have, or where the friendships are one-sided where one is giving for the sake of trying to make the friendship work and the other is taking endlessly. It is as the quote above states, A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. Elbert Hubbard Mr. Hubbard could not have said it better. After just a few hours of my bf being around I began to cherish her even more. When she arrived she did something that is hard for people now-a-days to do, she listened! She listened to me without interrupting or feeling she knew more than me or that what she had to say was more important than the issue I was explaining to her, she listen. Then she began to encourage me. Can you believe that? Someone actually encouraging someone else to do good in life and not just looking out for herself! Wow! After seeing her and spending time with her I just felt completely re-energized! I felt like I could take on the world all over again, and at the same time I felt like crying because traits such as; love, listening, encouragement, and fun should be as easy as breathing with friends, but that is rare in these present times. Having friends like her just reminds me of something very special that I learned as a child...What a friend we have in JESUS!!!! One of the people whom I follow on twitter stated, "GOD loves us not for who we are but as we are"- Rick WarrenQT He is 100% right! We are suppose to be examples of CHRIST and show HIS love through what we do in our daily lives and I can say my bf definitely portrays an example of what a good friend should be. To whom I write this about I want to say thank you and I love you, may GOD BLESS continue to BLESS you for you are a BLESSING TO ME IN JESUS NAME DTB

******************************Don't Get Me Wrong!!!!!!!**************************

I have amazing friends  from all the walks of my life that are great, not just my best friend. Friends who have been by my side throughout my life. I have had friends that have helped me through several of my up and down days and who I can just have crazy fun with! I love the people GOD HAS BLESSED me to have in my life. I know I have one friend who loved to read my blogs about four years ago and still enjoys them and that is encouragement and love that several people wish they had in a friend. My husband and I just recently tied the knot this year and we witnessed so many people close to our hearts who drove from all over to see us and we appreciate them as a BLESSING as well.
What made me write this blog is I have been around negativity and immaturity lately so much that I have became negative and just down in the dumps and seeing my bf made me remember that I am BLESSED and to always remember that GODS BLESSINGS are always around especially since we have a friend in JESUS who will never leave us nor forsake us!

Until my fingers meet the keyboard again thanks for reading and remember People are going to be People.




1 comment:

  1. this blog made me happy friends multiply our happiness and divide our sadness... so true thank you jazzy for being my friend. LOVE YOU! Dtb
