Friday, December 9, 2011


"Things that matter most must never be at mercy of things that matter least"-goethe

The above quote actually aligns with my topic of the day which is...


Is it just me or is it hard to be around someone who constantly brags on themselves? Rather it is what they have, what they have done, what they are good at, etc. I have to admit that sometimes it is just hard, to surround myself around "Braggers" especially if they are bragging about something I know has been accomplished at a more advance level than the person who is bragging, but for the sake of courtesy I will try to be fair and listen while they brag.

My husband mentioned a good point to me, he stated " co-worker could not have said it better. individuals who had a good upbringing in which their parents taught them how to be humble and courteous, they suffer later in life having to deal with people whose parents didn't spend time with their children to explain the importance of certain character traits such as humility" Don't get me wrong there are different situations where one may not have been around their parents for unique reasons and I respect that, but some people skills are and can be developed as one matures into adulthood and being humble is one of those skills.

I had a hard time for a while just dealing with someone who seriously just rang my ears with competitive remarks all the time. I just don't understand how can two people be friends while one is in competition mode all the time. It got so bad that if I were to say hello this person would reply by saying something along the lines of "well salutations is a better word to use and I don't speak in a way of merely saying hello its just beneath me...."OK maybe I stretched it a bit but seriously it gets old to hear people brag all the time. This person and their bragging weighed so heavy on my me that I would wake up with them on my mind and think about what I could do to try and make this friendship work between this person and I. It bothered me so much that I decided to google on how to deal with people who brag on themselves constantly. Thank GOD I was not the only one with this problem. My search came up with a person asking..."How do you deal with people that brag about everything, money, life, house, savings accounts?" by yahoo user silverpatty. She had a situation where someone close to her was bragging on themselves endlessly and she had a lot of good and funny advise from fellow yahoo users. One of my favs Nat another yahoo user. She commented, "You know what I do? I do a "Homer" from the Simpson's, and start thinking about donuts while they are talking, just adding in the "oh yeah" and "that sounds nice" when they seem to be taking a breath. BUT when they start talking about something more meaningful I give them my full attention...They get the point eventually, realise that you only listen to them when they aren't bragging....if not..I ditch them...don't need them in my life anyway! You are successful in your own life, so don't worry about hers! She doesn't pay your bills!" (To read more check out the link

Her comment made me giggle but knowing following her advise would be rude to my friends I began thinking of another solution. Since my adolescence I was taught that actions speak louder than words. Someone can brag, scream, yell, etc and give themselves a false sense of entitlement but actions are what really shuts people up. So that is what I shall do, be an example and try to complement this individual more as a person and maybe less bragging will come from them. I don't think of myself as a bragger but I am not on the outside looking in. Maybe something about me or my lifestyle makes this person believe that bragging is needed while being around me. There is always room for improvement in each of us, so I am going to take the approach of trying to be an example of show and that I am not into this persons for their accomplishments or material belongings but I just appreciate this person for them. The case could also be as my father told me, "this possibly can be the time in this particular person's life that they are proud of and sometimes they need for someone to just be the ear to listen." We shall see....either way....

I started PRAYING and will continue to PRAY about the situation and not let it consume me. Which is why when I read the quote,"Things that matter most must never be at mercy of things that matter least"-goethe and what matters most is I know who I am and I know GOD has BLESSED me with what I have and I need to not be in completion with this particular person although it can be tempting just to shut this person up, its not worth it. Its not even worth battling it in my head. 

Possibly I can also illustrate to them that not even the majority of Hollywood stars brag on themselves and they have bragging rights, ex, Justin Timberlake (one of my fave artist) does not nor needs to brag daily to the world that he is a triple threat, that he is known to be one of the most attractive men in the world, that he has his own clothing line out, etc? He lets his actions speak for him.  

Joyce Meyer tweeted today, "Some people are hurting so bad you have to do more than preach a message to them. You have to BE a message to them."

So I will try this whole thing at the example angle. Either way....People will be People so until my finger meet my keyboard again see ya GOD BLESS THEE!!!

1 comment:

  1. awww Jazsy i miss reading your bloggs!!! your life is always interesting to me... bc u are such a great example!!! i love you girl & hope that person realizes that they are not getting anywhere w/ that attitude... i completely dislike ppl that brag as much as nosy ppl haha... best of luck in everything! Dtb<3

    tu amiga Lupita
