Sunday, January 1, 2012

DTB New Years Goals! DTB


(Warning! This is a more personal blog)

"It is important to not set a resolution because of a new year, but because your ready to change for yourself, not just for the new year but for life"-FJMH (me)

I could not go without blogging about my approach for the new year it just didn't feel right. So as time heads towards the end of the 11 o'clock hour leaving less than a few minutes of New Years Day I will try and push this out.  So many things pass through my head when thinking about the past year 2011 to and what is to come of 2012.

My goals for this year and the rest of my life are as follows. Everyone can apply at least one to their own list of goals and resolutions. Here they are...

  1. -JESUS (recommended for EVERYONE!)
  2. -Blogging
  3. -College (Going back to get my M.A degree)
  4. -Career (No more of this job stuff)
  5. -Confidence (more)
  6. -Exercise (stay with it!
  7. -Family (Maybe my hubby and I will extend our family. GOD BLESSED me with such a great one already so why not extend it IN JESUS NAME DTB)

The first thing that comes to mind is the whole end of the world thing that everyone is talking about according to the Mayan calender, the world as we know it will end this year. In my religious beliefs, it is taught that no man will know the day nor the hour of the end of the world. So my advise about the end of the world is this, "Get Right. Stop Playing Games, Better Get Right, There is no time to waste!"-Tonex So take it as you may, but in my idea GOD IS THE WAY, because although the calender might predict the end of the world this year it can happen within the next 5 minutes or the next 5 thousand years none of us truly know except GOD. So one of my goals is to get more into the word of JESUS.

Next is my blogging. There are so many things out there that I would like to address such as; movies, news, fashion, friends, enemy's, foods, religions, relationships, etc, but in order to do that I need to devote more time in getting my opinion out there. Which I encourage everyone to do, if the time is available to blog do it! Everyone deserves to be heard and everyone has something to tribute to this world therefore speak up or in this case type up!

My following goal is a personal one for me. I obtained my B.A. in the year of 2010 and I really want to get my M.A. I hope to start as soon a possible I just have to clear some other things on my plate but GOD WILLING IN JESUS NAME I will be starting back this year. I am an encourager of education, not saying everyone should take the college route but just learn something rather it is getting a degree or just learning another language or learning about ones heritage from a family member from cooking or traveling. All of that can better a family and the world, because we suffer from what we don't know (another RELIGIOUS reference)

Oooohhh some of my readers might think that I am crazy for even daring to mention this but I want a Career! This goal is not completely in my hands, especially with the economy being as jacked up as it is, but I want to reach for it. My resume consists of great careers that I have obtained in the past but they have been seasonal. I want something that I can feel good about not just for myself but for America in general. If you can think it you can do it! (Well in most cases!)

The end of 2011 was bitter-sweet for me. I realized that I was letting myself get walked over by several people due to me trying to keep the peace and trying to keep others happy...well no that is not going to work this year. I suffered many nights of being hurt, upset, and bothered by people's actions that I chose in this upcoming year not to punish myself anymore. So I am going to up my Confidence.

Exercise, several people have commented me thoughout my life on my athletic appearance and how it looks like I work out a lot. Lets be honest here...I don't work out enough practically at all! I need to get back into working out and stick with it. Exercise is good for everyone so I am sure a tremendous amount of people are going to be hitting the gym. Lets stick to it people. Gym owners LOVE when the new year comes around because that is when they make the most money due to people wanting to join the gym for their new years resolution, and dropping out shortly after even when they are tied into contracts. That is how they make their fortunes for those indoor pools, basketball courts, etc. So stay with it! All age groups and sizes! including pregnant women which brings me to my last goal...

Family, This is a goal among both my hubby and I (of course I will be carrying the baby GOD WILLING IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!) we want to extend our family so we shall see about that this year. I will keep you posted. Be fruitful and multiply-Genesis 1:28 BIBLE

So there it is! those are my goals. There are some personal ones that are not posted but I would love to hear/read what yours are. Hit me up by; Phone, Email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Comments here, Text whatever you desire.

Next I will try and take a stab at blogging about my personal likes and dislikes about the movie and how it relates to the book Breaking Dawn from the Twilight Saga.. It will NOT be a break down of the book  that will come later.


Until my Fingers meet the keys again...Remember people are going to be people.



1 comment:

  1. awww nice blogg!!! you will prolly finish your list and more this year!!! Good Luck w/ everything! Dtb
